higher educational institutions, professional competency, pedagogical competency, physical culture and sports staffAbstract
Purpose of the research: to reveal the essence, features and to investigate the main factors of influence and function on the process of formation of physical-fitness and sports-mass professional competence of the physical and sports personnel.
Object and methods of research: The object of research is the professional competence of sports and athletic personnel in higher educational establishments.
Subject of the research: to reveal the essence of theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of professional competence of the sports and sports personnel and their preparation for pedagogical activity.
Ukraine’s accession to the world and European educational space requires updating the system of training future specialists on the basis of a competent approach. One of the most important tasks facing higher education is development and self-development, education of responsible attitude to one’s own health, formation of physical-fitness and sports-mass competence of students.
The competence of the teacher directly influences the formation of professional competence of the sports and sports personnel and their preparation for pedagogical activity. After all, competence is the ability, willingness and ability of a student to pursue a professional personal activity, effectively set and solve specific problems, taking into account the criteria of conformity of professional achievements. And also the ability to correctly consider, investigate, analyze external and internal factors that actively influence the process of formation of professional competence of future managers of physical culture and sports.
The structure of the formation of professional competencies of future sports and sports personnel is a set of such components as: communicative, informational, professional, personal motivation and creative-personal approach. The main components of the formation of professional competences are the provision of future sports and sports personnel, opportunities to show their initiative, independence in decision-making and motivation in work. It can be argued that the formation of the professional competence of managers of physical culture and sports in the context of national and international market environment should be based on the application of a competent approach with justification of the proper educational goals and motives. The current demands of the labor market on the effectiveness of education systems are intended to intensify the movement to form the content of education on a competent basis, which will necessitate the development of technologies for assessing the level of competences and competencies, which, in our opinion, involves updating the content, forms and methods of vocationally-oriented training in Universities, coordination of educational activities, which should be aimed at the formation of market values, the competitiveness of these professionals in the modern labor market, readiness professionals to solve real professional problems.
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