patient safety, adverse events, newborns, neonatal intensive care unitAbstract
Data from studies, conducted in different countries, show that from 2.9% to 16.6% of patients undergo the action of adverse events during the provision of medical care.
The aim of the research is to find out the incidence of adverse events associated with patient safety and their impact on the occurrence of lethal cases.
Materials and methods. A retrospective study was conducted by the “case-control” type among 354 newborns.
Results. In the group of patients who died, as compared with the group of surviving patients, intra-ventricular hemorrhages of III-IV grades were significantly more frequent. (25.8% vs. 4.02%, p=0.000) as well as events related to patient safety: pulmonary haemorrhage (29.03% vs. 1.86%, p=0.000), pneumothorax (29.03% vs. 4.95%, p=0.000), re-hospitalization at neonatal intensive care unit (16.1% vs. 3.1%, p=0.001), which are reliably associated with fatal cases, and corresponding odds ratio, corrected for gestational age (6.2; 19.9; 7.4; 4.1).
Conclusions. In the group of infants who died, as compared with the group of surviving patients, diseases and events that are associated with patient safety were significantly more frequent. These events are also associated with lethal cases.
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