
  • V.M. Yakymets
  • M.I. Khizhnyak
  • G.O. Slabkiy
  • L.A. Ustinova
  • V.P. Peciborsh
  • M.D. Bliznyuk


bacteriological (biological) weapons, affecting factors, toxins, viruses, pathogens, medical protection


Purpose – to analyze the problems faced by the state health system and the system of medical support of troops in the use of bacteriological weapons both in peacetime and in a special period and to define the principles of medical protection.
Materials and methods. In order to achieve this goal, the general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, synthesis, interpretation of scientific data, as well as systemic and structural-functional approaches are used.
Results. It is established that the peculiarities of the development of the epidemic process in the use of bacteriological weapons against the personnel of the troops and the civilian population determine the components of the algorithm of action in the process of identifying, indicating and eliminating the consequences of an emergency. The implementation of the system of medical care measures in the use of biological means should include provision of the necessary medicines, equipment and training of specialist personnel capable of working and performing functions in difficult conditions when transferring health care to an enhanced anti-epidemic regime.
Conclusions. The application of the principles of medical protection in the use of bacteriological weapons should become an integral part of measures to eliminate the consequences of an emergency due to the use of pathogens.


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