The influence of digital and social media on the health of teenagers


  • N.B. Bondarchuk
  • S.V. Hordiichuk
  • V.Yo. Shatylo
  • O.V. Horai
  • S.D. Poplavska



children, social media, smartphones, cyberbullying, connections, depressive disorders, internet


Purpose: the purpose of the study is to study the social network as a factor of media influence on the development of the identity of a young person. Results. The studies identified that the health impact of social media on children and young people was greatest on mental health and specifically in the areas of self-esteem and well-being, with related issues around cyberbullying and ‘Facebook Depression’, with an association between the use of social media and self-esteem and body image. Conclusions. New digital and social media facilitate and promote social interactions as well as participation and engagement that involve both viewing and creating content. The effects of media use, however, are multifactorial and depend on the type of media, the type of use, the amount and extent of use, and the characteristics of the individual child or adolescent using the media. Parents should recognize and understand their own roles in modeling appropriate media use and balance between media time and other activities. Pediatricians can help families identify and adopt a healthy Family Media Use Plan, minimize unhealthy habits and behaviors, and recognize and address issues that occur related to the use of traditional and new media that can negatively affect health, wellness, social and personal development, and academic performance and success.


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