Infection control as a component of the activities of health care institutions and the peculiarities of teaching patients with a psychiatric profile in hand hygiene techniques according to the World Health Organization table
infection control, public health, hand hygiene, psychiatric patientsAbstract
Purpose: evaluation of the hand washing procedure in patients with a psychiatric profile within the framework of the implementation of the IC program. Materials and methods. Evaluation of the hand washing procedure in psychiatric patients according to WHO recommendations and according to a simplified algorithm. Results. Psychiatric patients with different severity of violations according to the MMSE do not achieve the result of learning according to the algorithm of independent performance of hygienic hand washing provided by the WHO standard. Patients with normal cognitive functions and predementia disorders were able to perform the simplified algorithm of hand hygiene consistently and independently, while patients with a level below 23 points on the MMSE performed the task only with the help of medical professionals. Conclusions. A simplified algorithm for performing hand washing allows you to form the skill of hand hygiene at an appropriate level in patients with a psychiatric profile who have more than 23 points on the MMSE. Compliance with the rules of hygienic hand washing in patients with dementia should be carried out with the participation of medical professionals, for which it is advisable to form additional staffs of trainers.
Настанова з інфекційного контролю в закладах охорони здоров’я. URL:
Порядок впровадження профілактики інфекцій та інфекційного контролю в закладах охорони здоров’я, які надають медичну допомогу в стаціонарних умовах. URL:
Гігієна рук. Електронний ресурс НСЗУ :
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