Organization of specialized care for the adult population with diseases of the ears, throat and nose in the agricultural region


  • T.V. Yemets



adult population, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, specialized care, analysis


Goal of research: to study and analyze the state of the organization of specialized otolaryngological care to the population with the diseases of the ear, nose and throat to the adult population of the agricultural region. Materials and methods. Materials: data of sectoral statistical reporting in Sumy region for the years 2019–2022. The study was conducted in the context of outpatient and inpatient specialized medical care in the administrative territories of the region. Methods: medico-statistical, of structural-and-logical analysis. Results and discussion. In the course of the study, it was found that specialized outpatient otolaryngological care is available to the adult population not in all administrative territories of the region. The results obtained after the study indicate the inefficiency and irrationality of the use of specialized otolaryngological bed stock of health care institutions. Thus, in 2021, the marginal difference in the index of a hospital otolaryngological bed composed 4.0 times (631.8 days): from 208.0 in Sumy to 839.8 days in Okhtyrka district. Conclusions. The results of the organization of specialized otolaryngological care for the population with diseases of the ear, nose and throat to the adult population of the agricultural region should be used in the course of forming a capable network while reforming the health care system of the region.


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