The state of female reproductive health in Ukraine


  • R.O. Moiseienko
  • N.Ya. Zhylka
  • N.G. Gojda
  • O.O. Dudina
  • M.V. Golubchykov
  • Zh.S. Oktysiuk



reproductive health, family planning, adolescents, fertility


Purpose: to investigate the trends in forming and saving reproductive health of the female population in Ukraine as an integral part of the country’s socio-economic development, in order to generate ideas on resolving reproductive health issues. Materials and methods: the study materials include indicators of reproductive health of the female population in Ukraine for the period of 2018–2022. Research methods used are bibliosemantic, analytical, statistical, and conceptual. Results. Reproductive health issues are caused by: a high frequency of sexually transmitted infections; a significant ratio of direct reproductive losses due to pregnancy termination (annually accounting for 36-40 thousand unborn children); unsatisfactory health status of pregnant women, leading to an increase in the number of complications during childbirth, resulting in diseases in newborns and affecting the level of morbidity in children under 14 and childhood disability; a high rate of induced abortion, which affects fertility and the course of subsequent pregnancies and childbirth; a high level of infertility in Ukrainian families, which can be considered as direct reproductive losses; widespread gynecologic oncology of reproductive organs, which is one of the principal mortality causes and leads to the loss of a significant number of young women, who haven’t brought their reproductive function to life; a high level of maternal and infant mortality. Conclusions. In Ukraine, as compared to world leading countries, we can trace a low level of reproductive health among the female population, capable of bringing a negative impact on the country’s population reproduction process, as well as its social and economic growth.The situation mentioned requires developing measures to further influence the factors negatively affecting reproductive health at the governmental level (program-associated measures), sectoral and intersectoral levels (managerial activities), as well as their effective implementation in the activities of healthcare institutions in the context of administrative and medical reforms.


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