Risks of infectious complications in users of cosmetological services and preventive measures


  • V.Yo. Shatylo
  • K.L. Hordiichuk
  • S.V. Hordiichuk
  • S.D. Poplavska
  • O.V. Horai




infectious diseases, complications, prevention, cosmetologist, cosmetology services, cosmetic products, regulatory support


Purpose: to establish the risks and factors of complications and diseases of infectious origin in the field of cosmetology. Materials and methods. The study was conducted among 110 users of cosmetology services using a specially developed questionnaire (questionnaire), which included the main aspects of infection safety in cosmetology. The following methods were used to process the materials: bibliosemantic, medical and sociological research, statistical, analysis of normative documents, system analysis and logical generalization. Results. According to the results of the study, a relationship between cosmetology services and infectious complications was established in 23% of respondents. 10% of consumers of cosmetology services had a history of contraindications, as well as allergic reactions to cosmetic products and materials, 29% have a tendency to allergic reactions, but continue to carry out cosmetology procedures. 93% of respondents are cautious and do not rule out the possibility of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, parenteral viral hepatitis B and C, as well as fungal, staphylococcal and other infections in case of non-compliance with the antiepidemic regime and the rules of asepsis. Based on the analysis of the regulatory and legal provision of the field of cosmetology on the prevention of infection, it was found that there is a direct connection between the irregularity of cosmetology practice and the spread of diseases, including those of infectious origin, which leads to the insecurity of consumers from infectious complications and poses a threat to the public health. Conclusions. The relationship between the insufficient legislative regulation of the cosmetology industry and the risk of developing diseases (“salon infections”) and complications of infectious origin for humans among consumers of KP has been established. The necessity of making changes and additions to certain provisions, requirements and standards that would guarantee the safety of the provision of cosmetology services and contribute to the minimization of negative consequences has been proven. It is necessary to ensure in KP institutions a sanitary-anti-epidemic, disinfection-sterilization regime, compliance with the requirements and rules of personal hygiene by staff, preventive measures, etc., in order to minimize risks and preserve the health of consumers of cosmetology services, including the prevention of infectious diseases, which is one from important tasks to strengthen public health.


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