The objectives of the public health system in fostering healthy lifestyle habits and promoting responsible attitudes towards personal health among the population
population, healthy lifestyle, responsible attitude towards personal health, cultivation, public healthAbstract
Purpose of research. To identify the measures, forms, and methods within the public health system aimed at fostering healthy lifestyle skills among thepopulation and promoting responsible attitudes towards personal health. Materials and methods. Sociological, statistical, structural-logical analysis, bibliosemantic, and sociological research methods were employed in this study. The sociological research encompassed 46 community leaders, 80 family physicians, and 126 adult respondents. The research was conducted using a specially designed questionnaire. During the study, the principle of maintaining respondent confidentiality was strictly adhered to. Participation in the research was voluntary. Statistical analysis of the survey results was carried out using commonly accepted methods of medical statistics. Findings and discussion of the study. Surveyed community leaders, family physicians, and the general population have identified necessary measures for the public health system to promote healthy lifestyle skills, as well as the most acceptable forms, communication methods, and approaches for implementing initiatives aimed at fostering healthy living habits and fostering a sense of personal health responsibility. Conclusions. Utilizing contemporary approaches and communicative methods, the public health system has the capacity to significantly influence the cultivation of healthy lifestyle habits and foster a sense of personal health responsibility within the population.
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