Application of reflexotherapy in patients after stroke
stroke, reflexology, headache, rehabilitation, acupunctureAbstract
The purpose is analysis of research on the effectiveness of reflexology techniques for pain syndromes in patients after a stroke. Materials and methods. In order to achieve this goal, we analyzed scientific articles describing reflexology treatment for pain syndromes. Inclusion criteria in these studies were patients with stroke and pain syndrome. Results. One of the most significant debates in reflexology is its effectiveness in combating several symptoms of diseases. Disease levels and pain are reduced when patients receive reflexology. As an adjunctive therapy, reflexology seems to work better with conventional treatment for certain conditions. The most significant debates in the practice of reflexology are related to the aspect of health, safety and hygiene. In addition, the principles and practice of reflexology as a complementary therapy are important to ensure the reliability of this therapy. Foreign authors Ping Wu and Edward Mills examined 56 articles that described the effects of reflexology on pain syndromes. Their research concluded the following: First, there is strong evidence that reflexology can play a role in stroke rehabilitation. Both basic and alternative methods of treatment and rehabilitation continue to be studied by scientists of various countries, including Ukraine. For example, the author M.E. Chizhikova studied reflexology, in particular acupuncture, in the complex treatment of post-stroke patients with chronic back pain. Also, interesting studies were presented by the authors O.E. Kovalenko and M.E. Chizhikova. The article analyzes for the first time the connections between pain syndromes. Conclusions. Analyzing the above studies, we can draw certain conclusions about the benefits of using reflexology, namely, in combination with traditional rehabilitation, to positive changes in the indicators of headache and back pain as a result of a stroke.
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