Study of manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder in internally displaced persons and methods of improvement their psychological state




post-traumatic stress disorder, Mississippi scale, internally displaced persons, questionnaire


Aim is to study the manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder in internally displaced persons and recommendations for improving their psychological condition. Research materials and methods. A survey of 100 internally displaced persons was conducted using the Mississippi scale (version for civilians), the respondents were internally displaced persons from Donetsk, Kharkiv, Sumy regions and the city of Kyiv. The methods of treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in the sources of domestic and foreign literature were studied. Research methods: sociological (survey), bibliosemantic, analytical, statistical. Data processing: frequency analysis was used to study the results of the questionnaire. Research results. The interpretation of the obtained results showed that among the 100 respondents, 3 people have clearly expressed PTSD (refugees), another 9 people did not get enough points to be able to speak confidently about the presence of posttraumatic stress disorder, and the other 88 people have several symptoms of PTSD development. For the purpose of effective treatment, it is necessary to first evaluate the manifestations and severity of the disease, and then choose treatment tactics based on this. When contacting a family doctor, further referral to a specialist in mental health is possible - a psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. Conclusions. The results of the study showed the presence of manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder to one degree or another in a significant part of the surveyed internally displaced persons and the feasibility of using the Mississippi scale for civilians as an auxiliary diagnostic tool capable of detecting these manifestations. To overcome psychological disorders, experts recommend psychotherapy, emphasizing the need for internal adjustment to treatment, awareness of its necessity, and mandatory help from family and friends.


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