Prediction of anxiety risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus under the influence of unfavourable factors based on multivariate regression analysis




anxiety, diabetes mellitus, nursing


The purpose of the study is to differentiate the risk factors of anxiety level in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with/without arterial hypertension (AH) according to the mathematical model of risk factors. Materials and methods. 102 patients participated in the study. Patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension were included into the 1st group – 52 individuals (42,3 % men and 57,7 % women). Patients with type 2 diabetes without diagnosed hypertension were included into the 2nd group – 50 participants (44,0 % men and 56,0 % women). The Taylor scale of anxiety (supplemented by the scale of sincerity according to V.G. Norakidze) was used to assess the level of anxiety. The statistical processing of the received data was carried out using the Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet and the Statistica 10.0 software package for statistical analysis. Assessment of model acceptability for predicting CRRT was assessed by ANOVA analysis of variance. The results. According to the results of the regression analysis, the significant and common factors of CRRT both groups were gender, duration of TD2 and weight of patients. In addition, age, height, SBP and heart rate were found to be significant factors in the 2nd group. With regard to the questions of Taylor's questionnaire, the significant questions in the 1st group are questions№ 1 “I cannot concentrate on one thing”,№ 2 “I am constantly worried about my material and professional situation”, № 3 “I am often overwhelmed by despair”, № 4 “I lack self-confidence”, № 5 “I am often disappointed”, whereas in the 2nd group – questions № 1 “As a rule, my hands and feet are warm”, № 2 “I am confident in my abilities”, № 3 “Expectations make me nervous”, № 4 “I almost always feel hungr”, № 5 “I lacking self-confidence”, № 6 “I almost never blush”, № 7“I usually work with a lot of effort”. Conclusions. Prediction of CRRT based on multivariate regression analysis is informative, makes it possible to identify important factors affecting the development and course of type 2 diabetes and hypertension, which will allow health care providers to take in time measures for prevention of the progression of anxiety.


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Organization and management of health care