The impact of the war on the staffing of primary health care in the Transcarpathian region




impact, war, personnel provision, primary medical and sanitary care, dynamics, Zakarpattia region


The research aims to assess the dynamics of personnel provision for Primary Health Care (PHC) at the regional level from 2020 to 2022. Object and research methods. The main method used for the investigation was statistical analysis. Data sources included information from the Medical Statistics Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and sectoral statistical reporting from the Zakarpattia region for the years 2020–2022. Results and discussion. The article presents the results of the assessment of the personnel potential of the Zakarpattia region, including the number of physicians in PHC, indicators of provision, staffing of healthcare institutions, and the quantity of physicians and average medical personnel in the Centralized Primary Health Center of the region over the dynamic period of 2020–2022. Conclusions. By the end of 2022, the deficit of physicians in PHC increased by 19.3% (9% in terms of individuals). The staffing indicator stands at 85.56% (84.94% considering part-time positions) and is decreasing over time. The provision indicator is 1.5 times higher than the nationwide average and decreased by 7% compared to 2020. The share of PHC physicians relative to the total number of physicians decreased by 5%, which is 6% higher than the national average. The deficit of PHC physicians in the CPHC of the region increased by 35.8% (30.5% considering individuals), with a higher impact on physician positions than on positions of average medical personnel (16.6% versus 15.7% and 20.6% versus 15.6%, respectively). The ratio of PHC physicians to average medical personnel in the CPHC in Zakarpattia in 2022 is 1:1.8 (in Ukraine – 1:1.6) and gradually decreasing, significantly lower than the average European value (from 1:4 to 1:7). Data analysis highlights the impact of war on the state of personnel provision for PHC.


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Organization and management of health care