The use of computer stabilometry for the diagnosis of MSA lesions of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine after explosive trauma (contusion), spinal cord injuries and in rehabilitation and monitoring its effectiveness (analytical review of scientific




acubarotrauma, stabilometry, posturology, biological feedback, functional state, artificial feedback, afferent information, biomanagement, physical therapy


Goal. The purpose of the study is the scientific substantiation and development of a technology for diagnosing lesions of the musculoskeletal system of injured people after explosive injuries and spinal cord injuries using computer stabilometry in order to ensure the possibility of assessing and testing the recovery of the musculoskeletal system after rehabilitation interventions. Special attention is paid to the assessment and diagnosis of rehabilitation interventions using computer stabilometry. Emphasis is also placed on identifying strategies for the recovery of wheelchair-bound spinal cord injury patients using computerized stabilometry. Materials and methods. The materials of the study were the analysis of the literature on akubarotrauma (contusions) received during hostilities and the methods and technologies of using stabilometric studies. The literature on spinal cord injury and spine pathology in military personnel was also studied. An analysis of the literature on the use of stabilometry in posturology and studies of neurological disorders in the clinical picture of lumbar osteochondrosis and spinal injuries was carried out. In the course of the research, the bibliosemantic method and the method of structural-logical analysis were used. The results. It was found that the use of computer stabilometry methods reveals the need for their wider application for diagnosis and rehabilitation of the wounded, in particular, as a result of hostilities. The study emphasizes that computer stabilometry is not only a method of diagnosing injuries of the musculoskeletal system (MSS), but also an effective tool in the rehabilitation process. The study highlights the potential of computer-assisted stabilometry as a training method for the active rehabilitation of wheelchair users. This opens up new opportunities for improving the quality of life of this category of patients and helps them return to active social participation. Conclusions. The research findings emphasize the necessity of using computer stabilometry in the diagnosis of explosive injuries and spinal cord injuries. It was established that computer stabilometry is not only a method of diagnosing lesions of the musculoskeletal system (MSS), but also a method of rehabilitation using biological feedback, and a method of evaluating rehabilitation interventions in the human body. Computer stabilometry can also be used as a training method for the active rehabilitation of people who move in a wheelchair.


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