State of stress among medical staff of an oncology clinic




nurses, Spielberger's questionnaire, reactive anxiety, personal anxiety, oncology


Purpose: To study the peculiarities of the psychoemotional state of the nursing staff of an oncology clinic. Materials and methods. The study was based on the results of a sociological survey of 338 nurses of an oncology clinic using the Spielberger questionnaire and data from the scientific literature. The following methods were used: systematic approach, bibliosemantic, sociological, medical statistics. Results. The level of reactive anxiety in the nursing staff of the oncology clinic where the survey was conducted significantly exceeded 30 points (43.64±0.44), i.e. was moderately high. Similar changes were found in the assessment of personal anxiety: the average number of points was 42.16±0.51 and ranged from 20 to 74 points. Comparison of the data obtained by gender revealed that reactive anxiety in 91.84±3.91% of men exceeded 30 points and amounted to 45.76±1.16 points. In women, who make up the bulk of the institution's nursing staff, the result was as follows: a moderate level of reactive anxiety was observed in 58.82±2.90% of respondents with an average score of 39.49±0.62. There were no differences in personal anxiety between women and men. Conclusions. The nursing staff of an oncology clinic has been in constant tension for a long time, which is associated with the specifics of work in the institution, and this probably causes the depletion of its functional capabilities, in this case, nurses. Both reactive and personal anxiety are moderate, with their indicators approaching a high level.


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How to Cite

Качмарська, М., Ціпора, Е., Любінець, Л., Ришковська, Н., & Шведа, Г. (2024). State of stress among medical staff of an oncology clinic. Ukraine. Nation’s Health, (1), 116–121.



Organization and management of health care