The identification of potential sources of influence on the formation of healthy food behavior patterns of university students in modern educational conditions
healthy eating habits, motivation, student youthAbstract
The aim: to determine the main potential sources of influence on education seekers for the formation of motivation for the use of healthy eating habits of university students in the modern conditions of acquiring higher education. The materials and methods. The research materials were the earlier published results of scientists' work and the results of our previous research. At different stages, the bibliosemantic method, the method of structural-logical analysis and descriptive modeling were used. The results. There have been defined the potential sources of influence on representatives of the target group of the study (university students) in ensuring the implementation of key aspects of the motivation of students to form their own healthy diet in the process of obtaining education at a higher education institution. At various stages of formation of motivation, the main sources of influence were defined and substantiated: the management of educational institutions, the representatives of peers, the formal and informal leaders of the students’ staff, the scientific and pedagogical workers and academic mentors оr student groups. The conclusion. The suggested list of potential sources of influence on education seekers for the formation of motivation to use healthy food patterns of behavior is not permanent and exhaustive. In each specific situation, the importance and significance of the influence of each of the sources may change, but their integrated application at all stages is important for achieving the goal: creating conditions in a higher education institution when students are able and willing to practice healthy nutrition.
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