Optimized system of comprehensive medical care for the population with destructive diseases of large joints at the regional level
destructive diseases of large joints, patients, comprehensive medical care, system, regional levelAbstract
Objective: To develop and present a system of comprehensive medical care at the regional level for the population with destructive diseases of large joints. Materials and methods. Materials: existing data from scientific information sources, existing health care system, data from previous personal research. Methods: bibliosemantic, of structural-and-logical analysis, modeling. Results. A patient-oriented, optimized functional and organizational regional system for providing comprehensive medical care in a metropolis to patients with destructive diseases of large joints has been substantiated and developed. The system includes regional authorities, the health care system and other sectors and participants in the process: the social protection service, the palliative care system, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and investors. The components of the health care system are to solve the following problems: structural restructuring of the system, continuous improvement of the professional level of medical personnel, informatization of the health care system, formation of a motivated responsible attitude to personal health among the population. Conclusions. Prognostically, the implementation of the proposed system will reduce the burden of diseases, including a decrease in the incidence and disability of the region's population as a result of destructive diseases of large joints.
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