Oncology service of Chernihiv region in the system of oncological specialized medical care for the population of Ukraine
Ukraine, Chernihiv region, oncological service, structureAbstract
Objective: to study the place of the oncological service of Chernihiv region in the system of oncological specialized medical care for the population of Ukraine in the pre-war period: the structure of the oncological service. Materials and methods. Materials: statistical data of the Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Cancer Registry for 2021. Data on the territories controlled by Ukraine were analyzed. Methods: bibliosemantic, medico-statistical, of content analysis, of structural-and-logical analysis. Results. In Chernihiv region, the share of oncology departments (offices) for the provision of outpatient specialized oncological care to the population in relation to their number in Ukraine was 10.2%, and the share of examination rooms for targeted preventive examinations was 5.1%. The number of oncologists to provide specialized medical care to the adult population in Chernihiv region is 0.07 per 10,000 of adult population with a national indicator of 0.18 (2.6 times less). The number of oncologists to provide specialized medical care to the pediatric population in Chernihiv region is 0.01 per 10,000 of children, which corresponds to the all-Ukrainian indicator. The number of oncological beds for the provision of inpatient specialized medical care to the adult population in Chernihiv region is 2.92 per 10,000 of adult population with the all-Ukrainian indicator of 1.88 (1.6 times more). The number of radiological and radiological inpatient beds for the provision of specialized medical care to the population in Chernihiv region is 0.42 per 10,000 population, which is lower than the national indicator (0.49). Conclusions. The Oncology Service of Chernihiv region occupies a leading place in the structure of the oncological care system of Ukraine, which allows to provide the population of the region with affordable specialized oncological care.
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