Physical therapy in the process of restoring motor control of the upper limb and walking after acute cerebrovascular accident




acute cerebrovascular accident, physical therapy, therapeutic exercises, upper limb, walking recovery


The aim of the study is to develop a patient-centred physical therapy programme for the restoration of motor control of the upper limb and walking after acute cerebrovascular accident in the long-term rehabilitation period. Materials and methods. We examined 73 patients with acute cerebrovascular accident, including 37 men and 36 women aged 63.8 years. Clinical and neurological research methods were used in accordance with the ICF at the level of function, activity and participation of the Fugl-Meyer scale (FMA) arm, hand and ten-metre walk test. Results of the study. The initial indicators on the Fugl-Meyer scale indicate insufficient functioning of the upper limb in the segments of the phalanges of the fingers, wrist, elbow/shoulder joints and deterioration in walking speed according to the test results. A physical therapy programme has been developed to restore motor control of the upper limb and walking after acute cerebrovascular accident in the long-term rehabilitation period. In particular, exercises to increase strength (gross motor skills), exercises to improve dexterity (fine motor skills), exercises requiring continuous alternation of gross and fine motor skills, provided that the postural muscles of the trunk are stable, were used to restore the upper limb. Therapeutic exercises are aimed at increasing strength, improving walking and restoring function in the lower limb. At the end of the long-term rehabilitation period, there was an increase in upper limb function and walking speed. Conclusions. In the formative part of the study, positive changes in the functional state of the upper limb and walking speed were confirmed. Restoration of upper limb mobility in the long-term rehabilitation period after stroke is minimal. The walking speed at the time of the final examination was limited to 8 and 15 s in the OG, and among the GPs the extreme values were found at the levels of 12 and 160 s, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed physical therapy programme.


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