The role of physical therapy in urinary incontinence in elderly women (analytical review of scientific information sources)
physical therapy, urinary incontinence, older women, pelvic floor muscle training, physical function disordersAbstract
Purpose: To conduct an analytical review of the use of physical therapy methods for elderly women with urinary incontinence. Materials and methods. To analyse the literature, scientometric databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science), websites of scientific professional publications, and repositories of higher education institutions were used. The study analysed 30 scientific publications, including 22 foreign ones. Results. The conservative treatment of urinary incontinence in older women includes various pharmaceuticals and physical therapy methods. Conservative treatment includes medication therapy, behavioural therapy ( focused on normalising drinking patterns, avoiding alcohol and caffeinated products), pelvic floor muscle training using a biological feedback system (both independently and with the help of special equipment and devices), which is supplemented by electrical stimulation, vaginal cones, whole body vibration training, and extracorporeal magnetic innervation as one of the physiotherapeutic methods. Conclusions. Pelvic floor muscle exercises in women are the recommended correct way to treat urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women, whether used alone or in combination with other means. Ageing and physical dysfunction have a significant effect on the incidence of urinary incontinence, and conservative behavioural therapy and pelvic floor muscle training have little effect in older women. In women with reduced overall physical function, exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on pelvic floor muscle function. Pelvic floor muscle exercises may be an optimal decision to limit the progression of urinary incontinence severity in women with deteriorating physical function.
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