Modern technologies in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of autism spectrum disorders: analytical review of scientific information sources
autism spectrum disorders, diagnosis, rehabilitation, virtual realityAbstract
The purpose of this research is to systematically review the latest technologies in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of autism spectrum disorders. Methods and materials. The strategy of searching for scientific information in this research work included the following stages: identifying databases, setting the search period, formulating keywords, selecting literature according to certain inclusion and exclusion criteria, and statistical analysis of data using standard statistical methods. Results. The data obtained indicate general support for the practical use of technology, in particular in the context of early diagnosis and individualized rehabilitation of children with ASD. The vast majority of clinical specialists expressed concern about the need to improve the level of education of specialists in this field and the need to develop specialized programs and techniques that take into account the individual needs and abilities of each child with ASD. The contribution of this basic and applied research will be at least threefold: benefit to people with autism, reducing the burden on therapists and contributing to the development of BP technology, and theoretical modeling of BP applications with beneficial social and cultural implications. Conclusions. Predictability in communication, a limited range of interests, and difficulties in perceiving social situations can make life difficult for a child with ASD. To combat these challenges, parents have to turn to various specialists and conduct many developmental sessions. However, it should not be forgotten that the child spends most of his time at home with his family. The atmosphere at home, the comfort and support of parents play an important role here. Parental behavior can have a significant impact on how a child with ASD develops and adapts to the world. Therefore, creating a favorable environment at home and providing the child with the necessary support can greatly facilitate the process of development and socialization.
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