Ключові слова:
foodstuffs, socio-economic crisis, negative influence, health of population, politics, UkraineАнотація
Bad feed, food diseases and absence of safe access to adequate to the necessities of valuable feed is the important constituent of load illnesses and death rate in the world in the whole. A socio-economic and political crisis in Ukraine unavoidable carries out his influence on the feed of ordinary Ukrainian and food safety of our country. Simultaneously with the imported products there is a price advance on foods of home production, there are problems for agrarians, the danger of shoddy, off-grade foodstuffs, there was a new high- risk group injured as a result of social conflicts and refugees/force migrants, among risks for the health in that can be and related to the feed. Thus, it is possible to expect in the near time displays of negative influence on the health of population in Ukraine as an increasing of load illnesses related to feed. Thus politics in the sphere of food and feed must be coordinated, that the public health care should have a proper priority with the development and formulation of food politics, including the sectors that don’t behave to the health protection.
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