Ключові слова:
children, prevention, caries, the effectiveness of the remineralizing preventionАнотація
Тo determine the effectiveness of the remineralizing prevention of dental caries in children (6-7 years) with different degree of caries activity. Materials and methods: for the determination of the role of the remineralizing therapy of early forms of caries was examined 146 school children of the primary classes in the town Uzhhorod, including 63 (46.9%) were boys and 83 (53.1%) were girls, whom was conducted the remineralizing hard tooth tissue therapy by using Biflyuorid-12 (VOCO, Germany) and was defined efficiency after 12 months. Research results and its discussions: the article represents clinical study of high efficiency remineralizing preventive treatment of dental hard tissues in children of 6-7 years old/ After 12 months, in all examined children prevailed satisfactory level of hygiene, namely 52.5% in boys and 49.7% in girls; good hygiene was 37.7% in boys and 45.4% in girls. The increase of caries intensity was in the main group P = 4,8-13,3 = -8.5; and in the children of the control group of the same age was P = 14,5-13,1 = 1,4. That is, in children of the clinical group after 12 months the reduction of caries intensity was 8.5 in the age group 6-7 (7-8) years.
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