teacher, educational innovations, innovativeness, innovative pedagogical activity, teacher's innovative potential, teacher's creativity, educational activity, teacher training.Abstract
This article is devoted to the problem of innovative pedagogical activity, which is a necessary component of the educational process today. It has been revealed that in order to implement it, a teacher needs to master innovative potential – the ability to adjust, update and adapt educational practice to the demands of society and the needs of students. The research aims to characterize the components of a teacher's innovative potential and outline the possibilities for its development during the training of future specialists in higher education institutions. The study employed methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, and generalization of theoretical knowledge presented in scientific psychological and pedagogical literature. It has been established that a teacher’s innovative activity should be oriented towards the integration, differentiation, individualization, and democratization of the educational process. It is substantiated that, to implement it, a teacher should realize the necessity of using innovations, know their content, direct efforts towards mastering the necessary skills, and be ready for the profession. It has been determined that the essence of an innovative teacher's potential is characterized by a combination of their resources and abilities to implement existing pedagogical approaches in new ways, test new technologies, generate new ideas, and modify and improve educational practices to achieve quality results. It is noted that its components include creativity, openness, innovativeness, education, and upbringing, as well as the need and desire for self-improvement. Emphasis is placed on the need to orient the training of future teachers towards the formation and development of their interest in educational activities; the skills and abilities to identify «new» and relevant educational tasks, to reorganize teaching and upbringing in a new and rational way; to broaden the understanding of effective educational technologies; to deepen the ability to adjust the educational process, taking into account traditions and modern demands, etc.
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