



oral speech, inclusive classroom, stages of development, teaching methods and techniques, corrective and developmental exercises, didactic games.


The article explores the current issues of the development of oral speech of pupils in a classroom with inclusive education. The modern approaches of scientists to the specified problem are clarified. The importance of understanding the modern teaching methods, the ability to adapt the educational process to the individual needs of students, and the understanding of the psychological characteristics of children with speech disorders are indicated. It is emphasized that students with special educational needs are participants in the educational process, therefore the selection of tasks by the teacher, teacher's assistant for the development of oral speech of younger schoolchildren should be differentiated. It is emphasized that the State Standard of Primary Education of the Language and Literature Educational Branch, Typical Educational Programs direct the educational activities of students to the formation of communicative skills. The content lines "Interact orally", "Interact in writing", "Investigate language phenomena", "Investigate media" and others provide for the development of students’ coherent speech in various directions, including the mastery of language competencies. They are interconnected and together contribute to the formation of oral dialogic and monologic speech. The purpose of the article is: to clarify modern approaches to the development of students’ oral coherent speech in classes with inclusive education. The stages of oral speech development and methods and teaching techniques are suggested: propaedeutic (methods and techniques for forming pronunciation and lexical skills); constructive-creative (methods for constructing word combinations, sentences); text-creation (imitative, creative-productive, communicative methods). Among the methods and techniques, the following are distinguished: expanding or collapsing sentences, “scribing” (composing a sentence with a graphic image), “clustering” (selection of word associations to the key one), “cubing”, “my position”, didactic games; techniques aimed at analytical-synthetic actions: thematic composition of sentences, construction by the beginning, expansion of a sentence by secondary parts, editing a word combination, sentence, deformed sentence, research of a specific language phenomenon, and others. The features of methodological work on the development of oral speech in classes with inclusive education are formulated: the relationship of stages and teaching methods; cooperation between a teacher's assistant and a teacher on the development of students’ oral speech; individual orientation of the speech development of a child with SEN; development of correctional and developmental exercises and tasks; use of modern teaching aids (multimedia technologies; word-tips, illustrations, text samples, use of mnemonics as a memorization method – for a student with SEN). Attention is focused on game-based teaching methods, some of them are presented.


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