


professional language activity, innovations, innovative technologies, novelties, speech development of preschool children.


The article analyzes the problem of using innovations in the professional speech activities of future educators as an important resource for achieving pedagogical goals, an effective means of developing speech, and ensuring the effectiveness of the communication process and speech interaction with children. The importance of various legislative and regulatory documents is emphasized: the Higher Education Standard for the first (bachelor's) level of training for students majoring in 012 «Preschool Education», the State Standard for Preschool Education, the Professional Standard «Preschool Educator» and the Regulation on the Procedure for Innovation Activities in Education. These documents have been adopted as part of the modernization of preschool education content. This, in turn, requires students to study and master the content of innovative technologies as a significant component of their professional activity, to consciously apply modern methodologies in future work, to understand their potential, and, on this basis, to improve the process of forming communicative and speech skills in preschool children as well as language teaching. It is noted that the implementation of the main provisions of preschool education regulatory documents requires future educators to be knowledgeable about innovative technologies, integrate innovations into the practice of preschool institutions, and analyze pioneering pedagogical experience and the results of contemporary scientific research. The article reviews scholars' perspectives on this issue and clarifies the essence of the terms «professional language activity», «innovative pedagogical technologies», and «innovation». It highlights that the application of innovations fosters an exploratory nature in professional language activity, serving as a condition for effectively addressing tasks related to the speech development of preschool children and facilitating communication. The importance of competence-based and holistic approaches to the professional training of future educators is emphasized. These approaches are built on the integration of interdependent structural components: motivational- value, cognitive-content, and activity-based, forming a unified system that enables the successful implementation of innovative practices in professional language activities. Specific innovative technologies, interactive methods, and techniques that have a comprehensive impact on the speech development of preschool children are characterized. The necessity of actively introducing innovations into the practice of future educators is substantiated as a prerequisite for professional improvement and enhancing the quality of professional language activities, including the ability to engage in professional verbal communication with children.


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