Assessment of physical development of students of higher education




physical development, students of higher education, dynamometry, somatcopy, anthropometry


Purpose: there is an analysis of the main methods of assessing the physical development of higher education students studying in a higher educational institution. Object and methods of the study. With the help of Internet search databases (Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, PEDro), a bibliosemantic review of sources of scientific information was carried out and materials related to the main methods of assessing physical development were analyzed. The article is a fragment scientific research work on the topic “Application of physical methods therapy for postural disorders” of the department of physical therapy, occupational therapy and of physical education of Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine,Ternopil, Ukraine (state registration number: 0123U102339). Results. Analyzing the literary sources of information, we can see that the physical development of students of higher education is an important indicator of their general state of health and physical capacity [2, 3]. Modern studies of physical development use a variety of methods, including the centile method of assessing physical development, the comprehensive method of assessing physical development, indices of proportionality of development, strength indices, and the maturity index. Assessment of the physical development of students of higher education is an important tool for identifying potential risks to their health. It allows not only to determine the current state of physical fitness of students, but also to identify deviations from normal development, which may be signs or causes of various diseases. Thanks to this, it is possible to develop and implement individual physical activity programs in a timely manner, which will help improve the health and physical fitness of the applicants. The study of the physical development of students of higher educational institutions is a complex process that includes the analysis of various indicators: the centile method of assessing physical development, the complex method of assessing physical development, indices of proportionality of development, strength indices, maturity index. This approach allows you to get a complete picture of the physical condition of the applicants and take into account all aspects that affect their development. The study of these indicators is necessary for the development of effective methods of supporting and improving the physical health of student youth [6]. Conclusions. The analyzed literary data on the methods of assessing the physical development of higher education students is an important tool for determining their state of health. The implementation of regular therapeutic exercise classes, individualization of training programs, and increasing students’ motivation for an active lifestyle are key factors for improving the physical development and health of student youth.


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