Communicative interaction between medical staff of rehabilitation departments and patients and its importance in the process of restorative treatment
medical workers, communication and organizational skills, rehabilitation, restorative treatmentAbstract
The purpose of the scientific research: consists in a medical and sociological study of readiness for communicative interaction and organizational abilities of nurses and other medical specialists of rehabilitation departments in their professional activities. Research materials and methods: 67 nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, rehabilitators from the rehabilitation departments of the Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital, Regional Clinical Hospital named after O. F. Gerbachevskyi, supporting multidisciplinary hospitals of Berdychiv, Zhytomyr, Zvyagel, Korosten, regional medical rehabilitation center. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods were used: − theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison, bibliographic, methods of mathematical statistics, analytical and logical generalization; − empirical: questionnaire, interview, observation. In the research process, the KOS-2 method was used to assess the level of development of communicative and organizational skills. Results of the study: All health care institutions in which the study was conducted have signed packages of medical services with the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSHU) “Rehabilitation care for adults and children in inpatient conditions”. In the process of communication and discussion of the problems of communication and organizational skills, conducted with the participation of medical staff and patients of rehabilitation departments, key competencies were selected that received the most support from the participants of the discussion, and based on them, a professional profile of effective interaction of medical staff with patients in the framework of restorative treatment was formed and evaluated how the professional profile of interaction of medical personnel with patients can influence the rehabilitation process. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the level of development of communicative and organizational skills was assessed. The rating scale coefficient was 0.6, which is rated at “3” and corresponds to an average level of communication skills. The coefficient of the rating scale of organizational abilities was 0.7, which is rated at “3”, and corresponds to the average level of organizational skills. Conclusions: 1. On the basis of the conducted research, a lack of knowledge and experience of communication and organizational skills among medical workers of medical rehabilitation departments was revealed, which can negatively affect the treatment-diagnostic process and the process of restorative treatment. 2. It is recommended to improve the level of communication and organizational skills in thematic improvement courses in the BPR system at the postgraduate level, which will have a positive effect on the improvement of rehabilitation care in the practical health care system. 3. The professional profile of effective interaction of medical personnel with patients in the framework of restorative treatment, formed during the research, can be used in finalizing the thematic improvement program for the acquisition of communication and organizational skills. Also, this profile can serve every medical worker in the process of self-education and self-improvement. Further research involves studying the effectiveness of TU courses within the BPR on communication and organizational skills and their impact on the process of restorative treatment in medical rehabilitation departments.
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