Peculiarities of application and influence of virtual reality technologies on the physical therapy process of patients after acute cerebrovascular accident: analysis of foreign experience
cerebral stroke, physical therapy, virtual reality, modern technologiesAbstract
Cerebral stroke has been one of the most pressing problems of physical therapy for many years, requiring modern technologies will be aimed at a comprehensive impact on the patient. Purpose – to analyze and systematize the experience of foreign studies on the peculiarities of the use and impact of virtual reality technologies on the physical therapy process of patients after cerebral stroke. Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic and systematization of the data obtained. Results. The use of VR technologies for therapeutic purposes has attracted increasing interest in recent years, due to technological advances and a growing understanding of the neurological and cognitive mechanisms involved in rehabilitation. The results of the meta-analysis showed that compared to traditional therapy, physical therapy improved the upper extremity Fugl-Meyer score in patients recovering from stroke, and also increased the functional independence score, the arm activity test score, and the box and block test score in patients during the rehabilitation period. VR-assisted physical therapy for the upper extremities can be effective in improving the results of motor rehabilitation. Existing literature suggests that rehabilitation using virtual reality in combination with traditional physiotherapy can improve the ability to walk in people with AMI, especially in the chronic stage. Conclusions. The using of VR technologies in the physical therapy of patients after acute stroke should be considered as a promising area for the development of physical therapy of the subject contingent, and will contribute to improving the effectiveness of treatment and improving outcomes.
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