survey, lifestyle, health self-assessment, Mukachevo district, Transcarpathian regionAbstract
Objective: to establish the relationship between the determinants of lifestyle and the subjective feeling of their own health based on a survey of residents of Mukachevo district of Transcarpathian region.
Materials and methods. The data of an anonymous survey of 483 residents of the district, conducted in 2021 according to an independently developed questionnaire, served as the research material. Two types of statistical analysis methods are used: presentation (description) of intelligence and explanation of the obtained data (establishing connections between types of answers to questionnaire questions, character assessment).
Results. It was established that most residents of the district are satisfied with the living conditions. The frequency and quality of food of the surveyed respondents were in satisfactory state. The psycho-emotional state of the respondents is to a greater extent connected with the unsatisfactory material state, especially among persons with higher or secondary special education. Subjectively, 44.31±2.26% of residents indicated an average (not good, but not bad) state of their health, and 13.04±1.53% rated it as bad and very bad. 16.56±1.69% of surveyed respondents both smoke and drink alcohol.
Conclusions. An important factor in the action of socio-economic, cultural and psychological determinants of individual health is the way and quality of life of the population and its most important component – the subjective feeling of health. Establishing the level of self-esteem of the population in their way of life and health is one of the factors that determine the need for people to take care of their health and lead a healthy lifestyle while serving as a basis for strategic planning of health care.
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