family, single-parent family, adolescents, parents, self-esteem, adolescent personality developmentAbstract
Aim: public health assessment of the impact of full family and single-parent families and adolescent's behavior as an indicator of a conscious attitude to their own health.
Materials and methods. To study the socio-psychological features of adolescent personality development were covered 191 schoolchildren (133 from full families and 58 from single-parent families), used Kettell's 14-factor questionnaire (adolescent version). Rene Gilles' method was used to study the personality of adolescents. The study also conducted an anonymous survey of 1,025 children (492 boys and 506 girls) aged 15-17, ninth-graders of Ukrainian schools, used a questionnaire "Methods for assessing the impact of close social environment on the subjective perception of their own health by adolescents." The public health questionnaire contained both alternative and rating questions. Statistical analysis was performed using Excel, SPSS-17.
Results. The main lines of personality development in adolescence are considered: separation and individuation (gradual separation, self-search); development of self-determination; determination of the reference group; development of gender identification; development of personal value system; formation of life goals. Factors that negatively and positively influence the formation of the personality of adolescents from complete and incomplete families are considered. The analysis shows that the formation of personal characteristics of adolescents is influenced by a number of factors: psychological microclimate in the family, family upbringing style, which is determined by parental values, attitudes, emotional attitude to the child, personal characteristics of parents and children, etc.
Conclusions. It has been found that most adolescents from single-parent families are characterized by emotional instability, impulsivity, mood swings, irritability, fatigue, and a predisposition to neurasthenia. The results indicate that the majority of adolescents, both from complete and incomplete families, are dominated by somewhat inflated and adequate self-esteem.
The highest risk group for the formation of bad habits among children should include boys with low self-esteem and girls who are very self-confident.
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