Transcarpathian region, geopolitical, demographic and socio-economic characteristicsAbstract
Goal of research: to study geopolitical, demographic and socio-economic characteristics of Transcarpathian region in the frames of health care system reform in the region.
Materials and methods. The data of the State and sectoral statistical reports for the period of the years 2001–2018 were used as the materials of research. Statistical method and the method of structural-and-logical analysis were applied in the course of research.
Results and their discussion. The region occupies an area of 12.8 thousand km² of which almost 80% are occupied by the mountains. There are 13 administrative territories, 5 cities of regional significance, 11 city councils, 19 settlement councils and 293 village councils on the territory of the region with 1,254 thousand people of about one hundred nationalities living in the region at the end of 2018.
Engineering, agricultural production, food industry, clothing and leather goods, timber harvesting and wood processing compose the main part of economy in the region. 37.1% of the population live in cities and 62.9% in rural areas. The proportion of women in the sexual structure of the population in the region is 1.72 time larger than the proportion of men. Fertility rates tend to rise with the level of 11.0 per 1000 existing population, and the mortality rate tends to rise with the level of 12.2 per 1000 population.
The number of economically active population is 558.2 thousand people, of which 503.7 thousand are employed in economic activities, and the rest (54.5 thousand) are unemployed.
Conclusions. It is recommended to take into account geopolitical, demographic and socio-economic characteristics of Transcarpathian region in the course of reform in health care system.
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