Methods of assessing the level of physical activity of children




physical activity, questionnaires, school-age children, activity assessment, children and adolescents


A wide range of methods are used worldwide to measure physical activity in children and adolescents. Assessment of physical activity is crucial for studying the relationship between physical activity and health outcomes. The issue of studying the level of physical activity of children and adolescents arises, for which the problem of choosing a validated and most objective research method is acute. The aim of studying is to create a systematic list of questionnaires for the study of children’s physical activity, to characterize and compare them to determine the most objective ones. Research materials and methods. The bibliosematic method and method of system analysis were used to achieve the research goal. The materials of the study were scientific and methodological sources on the topic of the scientific article, sources of domestic and foreign authors on existing methods of physical activity assessment. Results of the study and their discussion. As a result of the study of scientific and methodological sources, 17 questionnaires and their modified versions for researching the level of physical activity of children were analyzed and described. Among them there are questionnaires 3-Day Physical Activity Recall Questionnaire, The Pathways physical activity recall questionnaire, Fels PA Questionnaire for Children and methodology of the University of Framingham and others. Conclusions. A list of questionnaires for studying the level of physical activity has been created and systematized, which allows you to choose the optimal research method for a specific target group.


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Public health