Relationship between academic success and academic motivation among nursing students




students, nurses, academic performance, motivation, factors


Purpose is to analyze the relationship between academic success and academic motivation of students of the second master’s level of higher education in Nursing and the factors affecting them. Materials and methods. The study included 70 students of the 2nd level of higher education in specialty 223 ’Nursing’. In addition to general questions, the questionnaire ’Academic Motivation Scale’ was used in the study. The questionnaire was built on the basis of the AMS questionnaire by R. Wallerand. Results. It was found that students with excellent academic performance were likely to have higher cognitive motive, motives for achievement, self-development and self-esteem, as well as introjected and external regulation in relation to the data of respondents with satisfactory academic performance and good academic performance (except for the achievement motive, which probably did not differ in the studied groups). Among master’s degree holders in the specialty ’Nursing’, academic motivation is associated with academic success (probable direct medium strength association of academic success with cognitive motive, motives for achievement, selfdevelopment and self-esteem, introjected and external regulation, and feedback with amotivation), age of students (inverse association with cognitive motive (r = −0.31; p = 0.009)) and work experience (direct relationship with work experience (r = 0.32; p = 0.007)). The level of academic success among the studied cofactors is influenced only by night shifts (probable weak negative association between the studied indicators (r = −0.24; р = 0.04)). Conclusions. The level of academic success is closely related to academic motivation and correlates with the age and work experience of nurses who obtain a master’s level of higher education.


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