Short reference Latin recipe in the branch of dentistry




sulfonamides, filling, oral cavity, prescription, stomatitis, periodontitis, solution


Purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the current topic of the main Latin formulas and prescriptions of medicines, which are explained by the therapeutic value of individual drugs used in all areas of dentistry. The choice of each of the methods of medical treatment and methods of use of drugs is dictated by the features of the disease, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of these drugs, and the patient’s condition. The possibility of its getting into the site of the pathology and the effectiveness of the treatment largely depend on the route of administration and the method of application of the medicinal product. Scientific novelty The article considers the key points of the dentist’s work, who in his practice uses the Latin recipe for the prevention of dental diseases. Prescription rules and effective prescriptions that are used for various dental purposes depending on the situation are considered. Most of the drugs used in dentistry affect not one, but several pathogenetic mechanisms. Therefore, in the course of treatment, they are used in a certain sequence. For example, with a pronounced microbial etiology, drugs that have the most pronounced effect on the microbial factor will be used first. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed to affect the opportunistic microflora of the oral cavity and, in particular, the periodontal pockets. Antibacterial agents include: antiseptics, antibiotics, sulfonamide preparations, nitrofurans, 8-nitroxoline derivatives, herbal preparations, antifungal and antiprotozoal preparations. Antiseptics are compounds that have a pronounced broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect. They interact with the proteins of microbial cells, cause their coagulation or other structural disturbances, which leads to the death or cessation of growth of microorganisms. Conclusions. A dentist knows the basic principles of local medical treatment of oral diseases, studies the mechanism of action of drugs that are used for local therapy, knows how to use drugs in the local treatment of diseases, knows the methods of administering drugs. Since the demand for the services of this specialist is only growing, the profession of a dentist is currently relevant. After all, the profession of a dentist is very important and necessary today, because many modern people have a need to turn to the services of this doctor. At the same time, the number of citizens who have problems with their teeth is constantly increasing every year. This is due to the fact that the environment is deteriorating, most people do not follow a proper and balanced diet, and they also neglect regular and high-quality oral hygiene.


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Medical personnel training