Pedagogical methods of mastering the terminology of physical therapy and rehabilitation during the teaching of the business Ukrainian language course




business Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language teaching method. terminology, physical therapy, rehabilitation, borrowing, lexicography


The purpose of the research is to show the work on mastering the skills of mastering scientific terminology during the study of the course “Business Ukrainian language” by students of the specialty “Physical therapy. Rehabilitation”. Materials and methods. Students who study business Ukrainian work out the concepts of physical therapy, rehabilitation, terms, terminology, find out the history and principles of the formation of term systems in general and their profession in particular, while emphasizing the importance of mastering the professional language. Important linguistic and pedagogical methods are applied. The results. Students learn the terms of physical therapy, rehabilitation during practical classes and independent work, which is carried out using various pedagogical methods: creative, reproducible, interactive. Role-playing games, project method, writing reviews, etymological analysis, search methods are used. The methods are aimed at the development of oral and written professional communication, the acquisition of relevant competencies and soft skills is noted. Conclusions. As a result of the use of various forms of pedagogical influence, students demonstrate the ability to use professional terminology, use words consciously, in compliance with language norms, orient themselves in the origin and features of individual words.


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Medical personnel training