Determination of anxiety level, treatment compliance and sleep quality index in patients with type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension




type 2 diabetes, compliance, personal anxiety, sleep quality


The purpose of the study is to determine the level of compliance, anxiety and sleep quality in patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Materials and methods. A total of 51 patients were examined. The first group is patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension, and the second group is patients with type 2 diabetes. Questionnaires were used: adherence to treatment according to Morisky, Taylor’s; s scale of anxiety manifestations. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality \ Index (PSQI). The results. Among the interviewed patients, a high level of compliance was found in 8 people (30.8 %) of the first group and in 11 people (44.0 %) of the second group, the average – 6 people (23.1 %, the first) and 9 people (36.0 %), the second group), low – 12 patients (46.1 %, the first group) and 5 people (20.0 %, the second). 16 people (61.5 %) of the first group and 10 people (40.0 %) of the second group have a high level of anxiety, 7 people of the first group (26.9 %) and 13 (52.0 %) of the second group have an average level with a tendency to high and 2 respondents from each group have an average with a tendency to a low level, 1 (3.8 %) patient of the first group has a very high level of anxiety. 2 people from each group are satisfied with the quality of their sleep over the last month and rate it as ’very good’. ’Quite bad’ – rated by 11 patients (42.3 %) of the first group and 3 (12.0 %) of the second group. ’Fairly good’ – 11 (42.3 %) and 19 (76.0 %) patients of the first and second groups, respectively. Conclusions. The obtained results indicate a predominance of low level of compliance, high level of anxiety and low satisfaction with sleep quality due to problems falling asleep and actual sleep in patients of the first group compared to the results of patients of the second group, where high adherence to treatment and medium (with a tendency to high) level predominate anxiety.


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