Vitamin D levels in women with chronic pelvic pain syndrome in endometriosis




vitamin D, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, external genital endometriosis


Purpose is to establish and study the relationship between vitamin D levels and the intensity of pelvic pain in women suffering from external genital endometriosis. Material and methods. 210 women took part in the experiment. The main group consisted of 180 patients with pelvic pain caused by external genital endometriosis, the control group – 30 women with a verified diagnosis of external genital endometriosis without pain syndrome. A visual analog scale was used to determine the intensity of pelvic pain. Depending on the severity of the pain syndrome, the patients of the main group were divided into three subgroups: 1 subgroup included 75 women with pelvic pain of weak intensity; 2nd subgroup – 62 patients with pain of moderate intensity; The 3rd subgroup – 43 participants with pronounced pelvic pain. The level of total 25-hydroxyvitamin-D3 in blood serum was determined Results. When examining the concentration of vitamin D in patients of the control group, the average values were 29.22 ± 4.23 ng/ml, and in the main group 22.23 ± 5.21 ng/ml, which corresponds to an average vitamin D deficiency in all study participants. Tukey's test revealed a significant decrease in vitamin D levels in the subgroup of patients with moderate pain compared to mild (p = 0.005), as well as in the subgroup with severe pain compared to moderate (p = 0.004). As a result of the correlation analysis, an inverse correlation was observed between the severity of pelvic pain according to VAS and the content of vitamin D in women of the main group. According to the distribution of patients by vitamin D concentration depending on the severity of pelvic pain, the increase in pain syndrome was accompanied by an increase in the proportion of women with vitamin D deficiency from 0 in the control group to 48.8% in the 3rd subgroup. The percentage of study participants with normal levels of vitamin D decreased from 43.3% in the control group to 7.0% in the subgroup of women with severe pelvic pain. Conclusions. As a result of the study, a decrease in the concentration of vitamin D in patients with endometriosis and a reliable inverse correlation between the intensity of pelvic pain and the level of vitamin D in the blood were found.


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