Key features of monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of information and communication campaigns in the field of public health




public health, information and communication campaigns, effectiveness, monitoring and evaluation


Objective. To determine the key features of monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of information and communication campaigns in the field of public health. Materials and methods. The results of the study and practical application of various methods for evaluating the effectiveness of information campaigns and advertising interventions have been published. Research methods: bibliosemantic, structural and logical, and content analysis. Results. The analysis and development of tools for evaluating the effectiveness of promotional campaigns in the field of business and medicine are presented. Features of the formation of performance indicators for target indicators of coverage, efficiency, evaluation and adoption of policies and level of support. The key differences and features of the criteria for the public health sector for a realistic assessment of the impact of information interventions on the awareness of problems and behavioral changes of target groups are identified. Conclusion. Advertising campaigns in the field of public health should go beyond attracting attention, aiming to change behavior and attitudes towards health. It is necessary to develop unique and adapt common business systems for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of information and communication campaigns for their use in the public health system.


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Public health