The characteristics of injuries from various types of weapons depend on the individual's location at the moment of the explosion
forensic medical examination, injuries from various types of weapons, military personnel, combat zoneAbstract
Purpose is to analyze the numbers of injuries resulting from the action of various types of weapons in the conditions of full-scale war of the russian federation against Ukraine and their characteristics; the relationship between the distance to the epicenter of the explosion, the force of the explosion, the action of the shock wave, and the presence of secondary factors, the severity of the damage in the conditions of russian invasion of Ukraine. Materials and methods. the following methods were used in the work: content analysis, comparative analysis, and systematization of the researched material. 280 specimens of conclusions of forensic medical examination of the bodies of servicemen, delivered from the zone of hostilities, and bodies of civilians who suffered as a result of a missile strike on the city of Vinnytsia during the period 2022–2023 were analyzed. In addition, materials of criminal proceedings provided by investigators during forensic medical examinations were studied, namely: protocols of examination of the scene and protocols of interrogations of witnesses containing information about the presence of individuals in specific locations at the time of the explosions. Data confidentiality is due to the absence of personal data of individuals, indications of specific locations, and time of events. Results. According to archival materials, the frequency of gunshot wounds is 16%, shrapnel wounds – 38.2%, injuries due to mine-explosive trauma account for 45.8%. This indicates the priority use of explosive weapons with a wide range of effects by the enemy among civilians and military personnel. Conclusions. According to the research results, the severity of injuries depends on the type of explosive device and its power, the location of the person at the time of the explosion, their position and posture, the presence of secondary factors, and its action.
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