Clinical effectiveness of local anesthesia in the treatment of acute forms of periodontitis in adolescents




teenagers, dental appointment, local anesthesia, acute periodontitis, psycho-emotional state, anxiety


Introduction. Treatment of acute periodontitis is carried out after preliminary anesthesia, the effectiveness of which depends on the correct choice of the method of anesthesia and its implementation and largely depends on the psycho-emotional state of the patient, especially in adolescence. The aim of the study. To determine the effectiveness of local anesthesia in the treatment of acute periodontitis in adolescents, depending on the level of basic anxiety. Materials and methods. 32 patients aged 11 to 17 years with a verified diagnosis of acute periodontitis were selected for analysis, in particular, 23 patients with a high level of anxiety (71.8%), 6 with a moderate level of anxiety (18.8%), and 3 with a low level of anxiety (9.4%). All pathologies required treatment under anesthesia using conductive methods according to topography with the use of a local amide anesthetic of the articaine series, which contains articaine hydrochloride 40 mg and epinephrine hydrochloride 0.012 mg (equivalent to 0.01 mg of epinephrine) in a volume of 1.7 ml. In all patients, the level of reactive and personal anxiety was assessed according to the method of Ch.D. Spielberger (adapted by Yu.L. Khanin). Taking into account the level of basic anxiety, the level of pain sensations was determined using a modified VAS scale before medical manipulations, 5, 10 and 15 minutes after anesthesia. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out on a personal computer using licensed programs ˝MS Excel 7˝ for the operating system˝ Windows˝ and the standard program package «STATISTICA» v. 6.0. Conclusions. In the treatment of acute periodontitis, a severe pain syndrome was noted before analgesia in 39.1% of cases, significant differences between the comparison groups were found after 5 minutes (34.8%; 4.3%; p<0.05), after 10 minutes (17.4%; 0.0%; p<0.05), and after 15 minutes (4.4%; 0.0%; p<0.05). Unbearable pain syndrome before analgesia was noted in 47.8% of cases, after 5 minutes 21.8% and after 10 minutes 4.4% in patients without correction, which is significantly different from similar indicators in patients after correction (p<0.05).


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