Evaluation of the effectiveness of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the temporomandibular joints
disc displacement, inflammatory-degenerative diseases, temporomandibular joint, ultrasonography, cone-beam computed tomographyAbstract
Introduction. Ultrasonography (USG) is a modern method of diagnosing a combination of disc displacement (DD) and inflammatorydegenerative diseases (IDD) of the TMJ, which allows simultaneous assessment of both the soft tissue structures of the joints and the subchondral structures. The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound for DD TMJ have been sufficiently studied, while the effectiveness of using US to detect IDD TMJ remains debatable and requires additional research. Aim. To determine the effectiveness of USG in the diagnosis of inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the TMJ. Material and methods. 243 patients were included in the study, who were examined on the right and left TMJ using ultrasound and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). A MORITA ACCUITOMO computer tomograph with an effective dose of 0.1 mSv was used to perform CBCT. Based on the clinical examination and the conclusion of the CBCT radiologist, IDD of the TMJ were diagnosed in 248 joints. In order to detect IDD of the TMJ using ultrasound, the operator evaluated the subchondral-cartilaginous complex (SCC) of the condyle. A 12L3 linear transducer with a frequency from 2.9 to 11.5 MHz (SIEMENS Acuson Juniper) was used. Results and discussion. The following parameters of USG effectiveness of IDD TMJ diagnosing were calculated: sensitivity was 66.53%, specificity – 76.89%, overall accuracy – 71.60%, positive predictive value – 75%, negative predictive value – 68.80%. Conclusions. Provided the operator has sufficient experience and the use of a high-resolution USG device, USG can be considered an effective method for the initial screening of patients suspected of having inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the TMJ.
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