Prevalence of main risk factors of non-communicable diseases among in-patients




risk factors, non-communicable diseases, awareness, prevalence of risk factors, inpatients


Introduction. In the world, the burden of non-communicable diseases continues to grow, which causes significant socio-economic losses, negatively affects the development of both specific people and society. Behavioral risk factors are the main risk factors for the occurrence of non-communicable diseases, which lead to 91% of deaths in Ukraine. Goal. To investigate the prevalence of risk factors for non-communicable diseases among patients hospitalized in the Konotop City Council Konotop Central District Hospital named after Academician Mykhailo Davydov. Materials and methods. Methods: bibliosemantic, sociological (survey), statistical (for calculating relative values), analytical. Materials: the results of a survey of patients admitted to the hospital, a total of 399 respondents. The results. There were a total of 399 respondents, of which 182 were women, 217 were men. Based on the results of the survey of patients who applied to the hospital, we found out the following: • City residents sought inpatient care 2 times more often than rural residents, which may be due to the latter's better accessibility. • 67.4% of patients applied for inpatient care not for the first time, and almost 20% of them are treated in an inpatient facility permanently. NCD risk factors have a high level of prevalence, namely: • Most of the respondents (55%) drink alcohol, and almost 3% admit that they drink alcohol often. • Almost 40% of respondents smoke. • 43% define their physical activity as low and extremely low. • 76% of respondents do not define their diet as balanced, 12% admit that they consume a lot of salt, 67% are overweight. • 94% have high blood pressure. Awareness of NCD risk factors is low: • 69% of respondents do not know their blood glucose level • 83% do not know their cholesterol level • 26% of patients have knowledge about individual risk factors for NCDs, 34% of respondents do not know what factors lead to NCDs. Conclusions. The survey of patients showed both a significant prevalence of NCD risk factors and low awareness of this issue. The only way to reduce the number of non-communicable diseases and reduce the need for hospitalization is to increase the level of knowledge of the population about risk factors, motivate them to change their own behavior and commitment to a healthy lifestyle.


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