Study of the level of professional burnout among the employees of the Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine
emotional burnout, professional burnout, medical workers, emergency medical careAbstract
Introduction. Professional burnout is one of the main indicators for assessing the impact of professional stress on an employee. Most often, professional burnout develops among employees of socio-economic professions who work in the "person-person" system and constantly communicate with people. In Ukraine, according to research data, 64% of respondents are in a state of burnout, of which 22% – associate it with their professional activities. Goal. Study of the presence and level of professional burnout among employees of the Communal Enterprise "Poltava Regional Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine of the Poltava Regional Council". Materials and methods. Methods: sociological (questionnaire), analytical, bibliosemantic, statistical. Materials: results of a survey among employees of the Communal Enterprise "Poltava Regional Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine of the Poltava Regional Council". The number of respondents is 209. The results. Based on the research, we determined the level of professional burnout. Average (56.27%) and high (25.38%) levels of psychoemotional exhaustion prevailed in men, and average (48.17%) and high (36.23%) in women. Depersonalization, i.e. devaluation of interpersonal relations in men prevails at the average (49.82%) and high (31.24%) levels. For women, on the contrary, it is at a high level (44.35%) and at an average level (33.78%). Reduction of personal achievements, low assessment of one's professional achievements in both studied groups is observed at an average level (men – 56.63%, women – 62.31%). Conclusions. The results of the study confirmed the high level of professional burnout among emergency medical workers, therefore we recommend the introduction of the position of psychologist in the staff of the Communal Enterprise "Poltava Regional Center of Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine of the Poltava Regional Council". The implementation of complex preventive measures will allow to hope for a decrease in emotional (professional) burnout.
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