Tuberculosis as a medical-social problem: analytical review of scientific information sources




tuberculosis, morbidity, treatment, prevention, public organizations, sanitary education


Introduction. The aim: is the study and analysis of statistical data, literary sources regarding the state of the epidemic situation of tuberculosis and methods of its improvement. Materials and methods: during the study, statistical data of the WHO, reports of the Public Health Center of Ukraine were analyzed. The bibliographic and semantic method, as well as general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, were used. Results and their discussion: Every year, 10 million new cases of tuberculosis are detected in the world, and about 2 million tuberculosis patients die. Ukraine is included in the list of countries with the highest incidence rate of tuberculosis. The biggest problem is tuberculosis with multiple drug resistance, the spread of tuberculosis in combination with HIV, which is often the cause of their death. There is a negative situation with the incidence of tuberculosis among employees of health care institutions. Political transformations in society and a decrease in the social protection of the population have led to an increase in the number of people with a low standard of living and who are irresponsible with their health. Migration plays an unfavorable role. In Ukraine, the indicators of the coverage of the population with preventive examinations remain at a low level. Measures by the state, which are aimed at optimizing the provision of anti-tuberculosis care and improving its quality, do not allow to fully improve the epidemiological situation with tuberculosis. The strategy for improving the organization of anti-tuberculosis care for the population should be based on a multi-level approach. An important condition for ensuring effective measures in the fight against tuberculosis is the joint work of medical institutions, specialized anti-tuberculosis service, as well as non-governmental and public organizations for the prevention, detection and treatment of tuberculosis.


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