Approaches to assessing the compliance of the websites of healthcare institutions with modern digital standards
healthcare digitalization, digital standards, telemedicine, medical students, websites, healthcare institutions, data protection, cybersecurityAbstract
Introduction. The digital representation of healthcare institutions (HCIs) is a necessity in the context of the digitalization of the healthcare system. The quality of HCI websites is critically important, as they play a significant role in providing patients with access to medical and/or telemedicine services, information about specialists, and allow for convenient interaction with the institution. It is important for HCI managers to learn how to assess the quality of their websites in order to maintain the institution's image amid growing competition in the healthcare sector and more effectively meet patients' needs. Objective. The development of criteria for assessing HCI websites in terms of their compliance with modern standards and patient requirements, based on international and national experience, with the further integration of the results into practical activities and the educational process to enhance the digital literacy of healthcare professionals. Materials and Methods. Legislative acts, regulatory documents, scientific publications, and analytical materials regulating the functioning of healthcare institution websites in various countries were analyzed. Particular attention was paid to data protection, information accessibility, and technical standards, as these are elements of ensuring cybersecurity and barrier-free access to the digital space. Results. A checklist for evaluating HCI websites was created, which includes requirements for both their informational content and technical implementation. Among the evaluation criteria were important aspects such as the availability of up-to-date information about the institution, contact details of specialists, a list of services, the ability to book appointments online, website security, and adaptability for different devices. Significant attention was given to discussing the importance of ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities, as well as the availability of backup communication channels in emergency situations, as these are elements of a strategy to create a barrier-free environment. Additionally, emphasis was placed on the importance of using secure data transmission protocols and preventing the integration of third-party advertisements on the websites to avoid the leakage of sensitive information. Conclusions. The analysis identified key aspects of HCI website quality, which were compiled into a checklist that can already be used in practice in both educational and scientific processes. The implementation of this checklist in the educational process will help medical students develop the skills to evaluate HCI websites in terms of their user-friendliness and compliance with modern standards. Ultimately, this will contribute to improving the quality of healthcare services and building a reliable digital healthcare system.
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