bone defect, bone tissue regeneration, hydroxyapatite, polylactide, calcium, phosphorusAbstract
We studied the dynamics of mineral metabolism (calcium and phosphorus) on the created bone defect model and compared the findings with results that we had found after defect’s bone grafting with materials based on hydroxyapatite and polylactide with different percentage of components (1 and 2 research groups). It was established that Ca and P indexes are increasing in control group, but there are no further intensive processes of primary callus remodulation as the level of main elements concentration stay practically unchanged for 90th and 180th day.In experimental group 1, the main part of which is synthetic hydroxyapatite, the level of demineralization processes is moderate with lower increase of Ca and P concentration in blood, and the apogee of reverse processes is day 30th. In farewell terms 990th and 180th day) increased index of Ca and P level is keeping, which testifies about intensive remodulation processes.In experimental group 2, where the part of hydroxyapatite is 50%, intensive processes of mineralization are setting in faster – on day 21st. Remodulation of primary callus is also faster (90th days).
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