Analysis of the prevalence of fixed orthopedic structures in the residents of the Transcarpathia of different age groups
young and middle-aged patients, dentition defects, fixed orthopedic structures, crowns, bridge-like prostheses, prevalenceAbstract
The aim of the study to analyze the prevalence of types of fixed orthopedic structures in patients of different age groups, residents of the Zakarpattia region. Materials and methods. 720 patients of the «University Dental Polyclinic» LLC with existing dentition defects, which were restored with non-removable orthopedic structures, in particular metal-ceramic and all-ceramic crowns, inlays, and metal-ceramic and all-ceramic bridge prostheses, medical documentation analysis and dispensary examinations were conducted. Statistical analysis was carried out on the basis of the «Statistica 6.0» software. Results and their discussion. Among 720 young and middle-aged residents of the Transcarpathian region, restoration of the integrity of the dentition was most often performed with metal-ceramic bridge prostheses (41.7% – 300 cases), in particular, 195 women – 27.2% and 105 men (14.5%). In the age sample up to 25 years, the largest percentage was tabs in 45 patients (6.3%); in the group of 25-34 years, metal-ceramic bridge prostheses prevailed in 73 patients (10.3%); at the age of 35-44, metal-ceramic bridge prostheses in 162 patients (22.5%); and in the age group of 45-60 years, 60 patients (8.2%) have metal-ceramic bridge prostheses. Conclusions. Among the patients residents of Transcarpathia, the share of cases of fixed prostheses varied depending on belonging to the age group, from less invasive in the younger group (tabs) to metal-ceramic bridge prostheses among middle-aged patients (p<0.05)
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