Analysis of the frequency and nature of complications after conservative treatment in patients with fractures of the mandibular condyle
mandibular condylar fracture, conservative treatment, frequency, complaintsAbstract
Introduction. Among mandibular fractures, intra-articular fractures with dislocation or fragmentation of the head occupy a special place, which lead to impaired function of the mandible and have a negative impact on facial aesthetics. Unfortunately, there are a significant number of diagnostic errors in the diagnosis of fractures of the mandibular condylar process (MCP) and the development of complications after ineffective treatment. Objective. To analyze the frequency and nature of complications after conservative treatment in patients with fractures of the MCP and determine their probable causes. Materials and methods. During the study period (2022-2023), 23 patients with various complications of conservative method of treatment of MCP fractures were referred to the Chernivtsi Regional Clinical Hospital. Based on the study of medical records, the frequency, nature and probable causes of complications in fractures of the MCP were analyzed. Results and discussions. As a result of the study, it was found that during the clinical examination of patients who sought help after completion of conservative treatment, changes in facial configuration due to post-traumatic deformity of the mandible were diagnosed in 57.14% of patients, deviation of the mandible of various sizes when opening the mouth – in 28.57% of patients, and deflection of the mandible when opening the mouth – in 14.28% of patients. The data of X-ray showed that all patients had post-traumatic deformation of the MCP, consolidation of MCP fragments in the wrong position; in 2 patients, TMJ ankylosis was diagnosed. Conclusion. Thus, the leading complications in patients with mandibular condylar fractures after conservative treatment were the absence of repositioning of small fragments at all stages of the management of this type of fracture, which was due to the insufficiency of diagnostic measures.
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