Features of the diagnosis and treatment of bruxism in young people





bruxism, young patients, occludogram, bioelectrical potential of masticatory muscles, occlusion index, psychoemotional state, correlational dependencies


The purpose improvement of the algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of bruxism in young people. Materials and methods. 85 patients (38 men – 44.7%, 47 women – 55.3%) underwent a questionnaire, palpation of the masticatory muscles, assessed the state of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), dental examination, occlusion, orthopantomography, electromyography of the masticatory muscles yawning, polysomnography. Mathematical analysis was carried out using the software «Statistica 6.0» and «Microsoft Office Excel 2003». Results and their discussion. All groups were found to have bad habits, in particular, smoking, biting lips, cheeks, tongue and nails. According to the occlusion index and masticatory muscle palpation indicators, it was established that the patients of the studied clinical groups probably have worse indicators compared to the indicators of the control group patients (p<0.05); the presence of discomfort and pain is detected, probable differences in the electromyography indicators of the masticatory muscles from the normal indicators are recorded. Conclusions. The algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of bruxism was based on the predominance of the etiological factor, in particular, for group 1 – treatment of orthodontic pathology and elimination of supracontacts, for group 2 – normalization of masticatory muscle tone and elimination of manifestations of temporomandibular joint pathology, for group 3 – correction of psycho-emotional states.


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